Helix DEM Chute Design Videos
Click on the links on the right hand side or below to view the sample videos created by the Helix DEM Chute design program.
Helix DEM Transfer Chute Design - coal 8000tph Hood and Spoon tripper bypass chute
Select a Video to play from the following list
- Iron Ore 8000tph Lump and Fines Feed
- Coal Transfer 10000tph Actual vs Helix Model
- Iron Ore Splitter Box Chute 8800tph
- Iron Ore 90 degree transfer 3700tph loading onto loaded belt
- Iron Ore 90 degree transfer 8000tph Lump and Fines Feed
- Iron Ore Screen Chute 2000tph Adjustable Deflector Plates
- Copper Ore 90 Deg Transfer Rock Boxes
- Iron Ore Chute 5000tph 90 degree transfer
- Coal Belt Feeder 8000tph - Chute Blocks Gradually
- Shuttle Head Transfer Chute-19 degree angle
- Coal Tripper bypass Hood and Spoon
- Iron Ore CV4-CV5 Transfer With Insert
- Fertilizer Chute Truck Loading
- Rock Box Iron Ore 90deg Transfer
- Ore Blending Chute 500tph
- Copper Ore 5 Rock Boxes