HELIX delta-Q2 Pipe Network Analysis Gas Networks
Delta-Q2 delta-Q solves Isothermal and Adiabatic gas flow Networks including Free Flow and Choked (Sonic) Flow systems.
Features of the Helix delta-Q program relating to Gas Networks
All the features of the Liquid Network system plus the following relating to Gas Pipe Networks:
- Design and Solve Complex Gas Pipe System Networks using a minimum of input - you don’t have to be a Chemical Engineer to use this program.
- Model Process Gas, Compressed Air, Steam, Dust Extraction and Ventilation Systems with ease.
- The program uses Isothermal gas flow theory or the Modified Darcy method - the user can specify which method to use.
- Calculates Free Flow and Choked Flow systems. The program automatically reduces the flow if sonic velocity or choked flow conditions exist, and it calculates the absolute temperature rise where appropriate. Choked Flow pipes are flagged in the Network Diagram for easy visual feedback.
- Drag and Drop Network components onto the screen for quick and easy network creation.
- Calculate Fitting Losses using the standard K value method or the Kf method which compensates for fluid viscosity and turbulence.
- Setup individual Fluids and properties in each pipe - Model real world process lows with different gasses in the same network.
- Perform Complex Orifice Plate Calculations automatically merely by adding an Orifice to a Pipe.
- Include Networks with unknown pressure nodes and unknown flow nodes or any combination of the two
- Model networks containing any number of vacuum pumps, compressors, pressure vessels, intake cowls and outlet nozzles.
- Calculates Volume Flow rates at process conditions, Mass Flow rate at Process Conditions and Volume Flow Rates at Standard Metric Conditions.
Example of Conveyor Dust Extraction System Duct Network: 

You can insert as many Fans, Blowers, Vacuum Pumps, Intakes, Outlets, Junctions and Pipes as you like.
If you have to perform calculations involving flow of any fluid, delta-Q will save you time and assist you to produce a technically and commercially sound design every time.
Download the Demo program and try it for yourself - see downloads menu.