HELIX delta-T Equipment Databases 
HELIX delta-T6 has extensive equipment databases supplied with the program. These files contain valuable information obtained directly from leading equipment suppliers. Having this data available ensures that the conveyor designs produced and equipment selected will be suitable for the conveyor installation. The equipment selection process for Belts, Motors, Gearboxes, Fluid Couplings, Shaft Couplings, Holdbacks, Idlers and Brakes are based on the manufacturer's selection procedures and this ensures reliable equipment selection.
Databases for Belts, Gearboxes, Fluid Couplings, Starters, Idlers, Motors, Shaft Couplings, Holdbacks, Brakes and Materials
Helix delta-T is provided with hundreds of different materials and thousands of items of equipment ranging from Belts and Gearboxes to Motors and Disc Brakes. delta-T is not only a belt tension calculator - it has built in intelligence which allows it to select the right equipment from the comprehensive database.
Example of Material Database form

Add your own data to the Database
It is easy to add your own data or to import it from Excel® or text files. delta-T contains many different manufacturers catalogues and can save the user many hours of searching by providing equipment information at the click of a button.
Example of Idler Database detail view tab sheet

Samples of other database files such as Belts, Brakes, Couplings, Motors, Gearboxes and Starters follow
Belt Database Table

Belt Database Detail

Brakes Database

Couplings Database

Gearbox Database

Motors Database

Pulley Database

Starters Database

Database for VVVF Variable Speed Starters
No more searching for equipment catalogues - it is built into the software.
Equipment Schedules
The delta-T6 program allows you complete your designs and then to rationalise the equipment by standardising where possible. You can then extract a list of equipment from multiple Design Files. These equipment schedules can then be sent to suppliers with requests for prices and also used as the basis of equipment and Spares Lists.
Equipment Schedule types include
- Conveyor Design Sumary
- Belt Schedule
- Idler Schedule
- Pulley Schedule
- Motors Schedule
- Fluid Couplings Schedule
- Gearbox Schedule
- Shaft Couplings Schedule
- Belt Tension Comparison between different load cases of same conveyor
- Design Summary Comparison between different load cases of same conveyor